Who is Lil Wicked?

Before I get to the Q&A portion of this blog. I wanted to write a little bit of who, why and how Lil Wicked started dying yarn!!

Lil Wicked also known as Rayna, is my 11 year old daughter. She my oldest of two girls!! Rayna would randomly ask here and there if she could dye yarn. But never really showed to much interest. It was more of a sigh, mom can I dye yarn? If your a parent, you know that sigh. That mom I'm bored sigh, maybe if I look interested in what you do, I won't be so bored. LOL
If you follow me on face book and Instagram, you may have read my post about why she started dying yarn. For those who haven't read it. I will do a quick (ok I tend to ramble, so hopefully quick) break down on why she started dying yarn.
We all know about covid-19 and how as adults its affecting our lives. Some are still having to work, some are forced into unemployment. Some have gotten sick, some have lost loved ones, some are healthy and doing their best to stay home and we pray this ends sooner than later.
That being said. My children like many others, have had their schools shut down. Rayna will miss her 6th grade graduation this year. Us as parents are stressing out, now having to home school, work and deal with house hold responsibilities and trying to help our kids deal the best we can. But in the end we don't truly understand how hard it is for them, to not have their normal routine, to not see family and friends. They don't understand how much a pandemic and alter everyone's reality.
And so Rayna really started to struggle with wanting to home school. And you could see she was beyond bored. And at one point came to me in tears asking if she could spend time with me or her dad. Both myself and my husband (her father) work. He leaves for work. While I work from home. Though this may sound horrible. My thought process was, well she sees me all day. How is it she's missing me so much?
And thats when I thought, I'm going to see if she will dye some yarn. That way I can spend time with her and still work at the same time. Little did I know how happy this would make Rayna. She was over joyed! She's been out of school since March 13, 2020 and in two months I barely saw her smile.
I told her, I will put her yarn in the shop and we will see what happens. Within 5 minutes of listing her colorway, she made a sale. Next thing you know its a few hours later and her colorway sold out. I have not seen this child smile so much, like she did that day. She has been dying yarn for all of two weeks, and she is so happy. She's more willing to get up and play, go outside, talk on the phone with her friends, and work!!
Which brings me to the Q & A!!
Some of these questions have been asked by customers, some asked by me! I will try to write down exactly how she said it. Because we know how 11 year old girls talk now. LOL. I will interpret the best I can.
Q & A
1: What made you want to dye yarn with mom?
- Ummmm well, I feel like I need to make people happy. Everyone is so sad lately, and like I don't know, I like the bright colors, and maybe some of these bright colors will cheer people up!
2: What is your favorite color?
Umm my favorite colors are pink and purple, but I like teal to!!
3: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Oh ummm, I don't know what their called! A yarn person! (me: do you mean someone who dyes yarn? We are called Indie dyers)
4: What inspires you?
Huh? Oh I know! I like things in my house, nature, fashion and make up! I love the colors of make up! And i will just randomly think of color, whatever makes me happy!!
5: How do you not get so messy when dying yarn?
I'm not sure. I'm just careful not to spill the dye stock mom makes up for me.
6: What are your hobbies?
I love to draw, listen to music. Music I love pop, hip hop, anything on the hit list of todays music. Oh and I love my dad's music!! I like to diamond paint and well of course dye yarn!
7: Do you do any sports?
I love doing gymnastics. I was taking gymnastics classes every week. But since this virus, I haven't been able to go!
8: Do you knit or crochet?
No! I want to learn. I tried to learn how to crochet. But I just didn't understand it. Maybe in the furture I will try to learn again!
I hope this was a helpful blog on understanding why, how and who Rayna is. She is my 11 year old daughter. And I may be bias. But I have to say, she is the sweetest, most amazing fun loving kid. She's second mom to her 6 year old sister ( because she loves helping so much she gets motherly with her sister lol). And I couldn't be more proud of her!!!!!
Stay wicked, Stay safe
Hi! I just ordered the Pumpkin Spice yarns! I am looking forward to getting them!
My question is, can you recommend an easy knitting pattern for socks? I need to learn to make some adjustments to my socks because I suffer w/edema so my legs are bigger than usual sized legs are in patterns. Thanks for any suggestions that you might have.
Loved that your daughter is dying yarns, keep her active and creative with lots of love and this crazy pandemic won’t break her spirits!!! His blessings on your family!
Will you ever restock yarns? Definatly not asking because I found a picture of your ember yarn after you removed it from the site 😅 Either way, your product is beautiful and I look forward to seeing what you create!
For those asking where she’s located…
If you go to her website and click on the About US tab you’ll see that she lives in Maine.
I love seeing your yarns but I can’t find anywhere / what country your in. Very frustrating when one wants to purchase.