Where I get my inspiration.

I am often asked where I get my ideas for my colorways. What inspires me? How do I pick and choose what photos I'm going to use. How do I get the colors to match so perfectly.

Some days I look online through a few websites to see what will catch my eye. Do I like the photo? Will my customers like the photo I choose? Some times choosing an inspirational photo is harder than dying the yarn itself. 

I personally really enjoy watching horror movies. Anything to scare me or has a lot of gore. So for example with my colorway blood lust.

When I dyed this colorway, I had no intentions of making it about horror or gore. But once I had it hanging up to dry, my studio looked like a crime scene. And of course had to choose the name Blood Lust. But would I be able to find a photo, that would capture the attention of my customers. Or would it turn them away. Well after thinking long and hard about this one. I decided no inspiration photo would be best, as not everyone is into horror, crime shows or gore. 

Soulful Intentions for example. A friend of mine took this photo and edited it. And I fell in love with the photo. And thought I absolutely have to do this colorway and now. Once I get this thought in my head, and I can't let this thought go. I will dye yarn until 11 p.m at night if need be, just so I can get it out of my system. LOL. This is one of those colorways where I had to copy the photo exactly to make sure to capture the beauty of the photo and get it put onto yarn.


Caribbean Nights (unfortunately I don't have the inspiration photo on my laptop, but you can find it in my shop) is one of those colorways. Where I just felt I needed to do something brighter than my usual colorway. Something tropical. This particular colorway takes 2 days to dye. The only colorway I have that takes 2 days to dye. After dying this, I thought I can not have it without an inspiration photo. Its to beautiful to stand alone. And so I went online and searched and searched until I finally found the perfect photo!!


Echoes of the 80s is a colorway that I didn't feel needed a photo. I think the yarn speaks for itself. A beautiful brightly colored yarn, to remind us of the 80s, when we had big hair and lots of make up!!

So I guess for me, I find all yarn speaks for itself. All colorways are beautiful in there own right. When you find the perfect pattern whether knit or crochet or even weaving. The colors we choose, speaks volumes on the love and time we put into the perfect project. 

For me its dying yarn. I love to have inspiration photos. To me it tells a story when you look at the yarn. Where was my head at when I found the photo. Was I in a super happy mood, with bright colors on my mind? Was I in a calm mood and just wanted to be out in nature and enjoy what the world has to offer, you can see that in my neutrals. Or am I in a (as my mom would say) demented space, just watched a horror movie and had to get that out onto my yarn? 

So I guess to answer the question. How do I choose my photos? And do I find them before or after dying? It really all depends on the day. Some days I just want to grab colors and see where it takes me. One day it may take us to the tropics. Another day it may take us to space. Or maybe into a horror movie. Or maybe even into a field full of flowers, with the warm sun shining on our faces. 

No matter where it takes us. I know it will all take us on the same journey of peace, love and happiness in what we make. And there's no better feeling to me, than knowing that you absolutely love what you do. That a piece of your heart and soul goes into every stitch you make. And for me I put my heart and soul into every colorway that comes out of my kitchen. With or without photos. Knowing my yarn is apart of your fiber journey, is what calls to me. 

I can't wait to see where this journey takes us. 

Stay Wicked!!!!!!



  • I would like to preorder your Cardinal sock yarn. Thank you

  • I have your beautiful Cardinal sock yarn. I would LOVE to get 3 more skeins. Is that possible? Thanks so much! J.T.

    Jackie Trpkosh
  • Would like to order cardinal and Caribbean yarn but can’t find how to order.

    Susan Murray
  • I wanted to send a photo of a shawl I just finished by Stephen West. I used your cardinal and a gun metal gray. Thought you might like to see it.

  • Please, what are the specs on the cardinal sock yarn? And cost.


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